Style options for trees

The TreeTEX package includes a style command \Treestyle{<style option>}, where <style option> contains all the parameter settings the user might want to change. Normally, the command \Treestyle appears only once at the beginning of the document and the style options are valid for all trees of the document.

The changes in the style options are global. A \Treestyle command changes only the specified style options; non-specified options retain the last specified value or the default value, respectively. The following style options are available:

\treefonts{<font options>}:
\treefonts is invoked by \beginTree, and it simply executes whatever is specified in <font options>. Defaults are \treefonts{\tenrm} (or \treefonts{\normalsize\rm} in LATEX).

\nodesize defines the size of the nodes. <size> is a dimension and specifies the diameter of circle nodes. The width of square nodes is adjusted accordingly to be slightly smaller than the diameter of circle nodes in order to balance their appearance. Furthermore, \nodesize adjusts the amount of space by which the baseline of the labels is placed beneath the center of the node. The default value of \nodesize suits the default of \treefonts (taking into account the size option of LATEX's document style).

\vdist{<dimen>}, \minsep{<dimen>}, \addsep{<dimen>}:
vdist specifies the vertical distance between two subsequent levels of the tree. Default is \vdist{60pt}. \minsep specifies the minimal horizontal distance between two adjacent nodes. Default is \minsep{20pt}. \addsep specifies the additional amount of horizontal space by which two subtree siblings are pushed apart farther than calculated by the RT algorithm, if the level at which they are closest is beneath their root level. Default is \addsep{0pt}

\extended, \nonextended:
With the option \extended in effect, the nodes of a binary tree are placed in exactly the same way as they would be in the associated extended version of the tree (the missing nodes are assumed to have no labels). The default is \nonextended, that is the usual layout.

Some examples of tree descriptions are given in the next figures. A detailed description of the TreeTEX macros is given in [3].

60pt @n=10pt

Figure: This is an example of a tree that includes labels.

Figure: This is an example of a tree with framed center labels.

Figure: This is an example of a complete binary tree.

Figure: This is an example of a Fibonacci tree.